“Flower” is a finalist again

I’m thrilled to report that my drama “A Flower of the Field” is a finalist in a new play contest by the American Bard Theater Company!

American Bard Theater Company is based in New York that focuses on plays of dramatic, heightened language and of an artist-driven nature.

As they explain on their website:

“American Bard Theater Company approaches each play based on text analysis technique shared by the 14 individuals who studied Shakespeare together and wanted to create greater opportunities to perform. In our first few years, we presented various works by William Shakespeare in the “First Folio” text analysis style. Just like Shakespeare’s own troupe of actors, we maintain that “the play’s the thing” and root all our artistic choices back to the language in the script, with respect to the punctuation and word choice in order to guide our storytelling. By working through the lens of the playwright’s language and its structure to shape the actions on the stage, much as Shakespeare’s players did 400 years ago, we keep our rehearsals and performances targeted at creating the playwright’s unique world through cadence, intonations, and emotional energy evoked by the “music” of the script.”

Many, many thanks to American Bard for the great honor of being a finalist in their new play festival!