On this page you will find some pictures associated with my theatrical work – including photographs from some of my shows.
“A Flower of the Field”
These photos were taken from the Texas premiere of “A Flower of the Field” at Tyler Civic Theatre Center of Tyler, Texas.

“Few Thy Voice”
This photo of the cast and director of “Few Thy Voice” was taken after a staged reading by Vintage Theatre of Arvada, Colorado.
“Fifteen Men in a Smoke-Filled Room”
These photos were taken from the Los Angeles premiere of “Fifteen Men in a Smoke-Filled Room” at Theatre40 of Beverly Hills, California.

These photos were taken from the regional premiere of “Philosophus” at Plaza Theatre of Wharton, TX.

These photos were taken from the regional premiere of “Philosophus” at Best Medicine Repertory Theater of Gaithersburg, Maryland.

These photos were taken from the world premiere of “Philosophus” at Alleyway Theatre of Buffalo, New York.

“Fifteen Men in a Smoke-Filled Room”
These photos were taken from the world premiere of “Fifteen Men in a Smoke-Filled Room” at Elite Theatre Company of Oxnard, California.

This photo shows the cast for the staged reading of “Philosophus” by Best Medicine Rep of Gaithersburg, Maryland.
These photos show the cast and orchestra for the concert presentation of the rock opera “Memory” at the DiMenna Center for Classical Music, New York City.

“Shadows of Men”
These are photos from the staged reading of “Shadows of Men” by the Baltimore Playwrights Festival.

“Encore, Encore”
Here is the cast and crew for “Encore, Encore” during its run at Southeastern Louisiana University of Hammond, Louisiana.
“Encore, Encore”
These are production photos for “Encore, Encore” during its run at the Y.E.S. Festival at Northern Kentucky University.

“Encore, Encore”
A photo from the staged reading of “Encore, Encore” at the Firehouse Center for the Arts in Newburyport, Massachusetts.
“Encore, Encore”
This poster and these photos are courtesy of our director, Paula D’Alessandris, for the world premiere of “Encore, Encore” by The Gallery Players of Brooklyn, New York.

This is the publicity poster for my play “Harriman-Baines,” which premiered in NYC as part of the Dream-Up Festival at Theatre For The New City.
“One Little Wish”
These photographs were taken from the world premiere production of “One Little Wish” in Wilton and Old Saybrook, Connecticut by Speerhead Theatricals.
This photo is from a reading of “Harriman-Baines” by Distilled Theatre Company of New York, New York.
“Hail and Reign”
This is the cast of the staged reading of “Hail and Reign” by Troupers Light Opera Company of Darien, Connecticut.
“Fifteen Men in a Smoke-Filled Room”
These (blurry) photographs were taken from the first staged reading of “Fifteen Men” by the Villagers Theatre of Somerset, New Jersey.

“Hail and Reign”
These photographs were taken from the world premiere production of “Hail and Reign” on Bainbridge Island by Bainbridge Performing Arts.